


Austin Aspires is a local coalition with the mission of bringing together schools, community organizations, government agencies, businesses and philanthropic foundations. As a collective group, we are holding ourselves accountable to measurable improvement on a core set of student outcomes. Working together, we will create a community where all children thrive. We are moving from individual impact—where each organization is working on a discrete set of goals in isolation—to shared ideas and aspirations for our community, with collaborative action rooted in shared responsibility and accountability.

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Cradle 2 career

As a network of public, private, and independent organizations, Cradle 2 Career facilitates, advances, and evolves a common agenda to ensure all children in our community have a clear path to economic prosperity through family, education, community support and opportunities.

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Generation Next works with schools and school districts, community-based and advocacy organizations, philanthropic organizations, city and county governments, and higher education organizations to support students from cradle to career. Using the three strategic levers of funding, policy, and practice, Generation Next implements a collective impact model to increase achievement for all students.

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Northfield promise

Northfield Promise is a community movement to enable all Northfield children to thrive, from cradle to career. This work is accomplished by connecting and aligning resources, programs and community members to collaborate toward measurable results on 10 benchmarks throughout every child’s life. By aligning all major community institutions around this shared set of measurable benchmarks, we will achieve community-level change for children and youth growing up in Northfield, Minnesota.

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northside achievement zone

The Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) exists to permanently close the achievement gap and end generational poverty in North Minneapolis. Together with our partner organizations, we are walking side by side with low-income families as they put their children on a path to college.

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Park Partnership for Success

Park Partnership for Success is a data-informed, cross-sector cradle to career partnership focused on transforming systems to close the race, ethnicity, and poverty opportunity gaps so that all kids in St. Louis Park, Minnesota can realize their brilliance. Children First serves as the partnership’s backbone support.

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RiseUp Red Wing creates opportunities so that every young person in Red Wing, Minnesota, can thrive.

Founded in 1992 as Red Wing Youth Outreach, we serve youth through critical programming and bringing partners together to amplify the power of our community and create a safe, vibrant Red Wing for all. 

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Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood

The Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood puts children in the Frogtown, Rondo, and Summit-University neighborhoods of Saint Paul on the pathway to college and career success. Housed at Wilder, Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood (SPPN) takes a proactive and preventive approach to the education opportunity gap by focusing early in a child’s life.

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United Way of Central Minnesota is a committed and growing partnership of school districts, business, educational institutions, community agencies, funders and government. United Way of Central Minnesota serves the communities of the St. Cloud Area, Sartell-St. Stephen and Sauk Rapids-Rice School Districts.

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